How to make changes to your order on Instacart

For the best results on Instacart download the app iOS or Android.

The Instacart app allows customers to track their personal shopper’s progress and view any changes to items. Turning on notifications you will get alerts for all the changes, including replacements and refunds.

You can change your order if your personal shopper hasn’t begun shopping yet. If they have already started working on your order, you can chat with them for assistance.


How To Add A New Item To Your Order

  1. Make sure you’re in the correct Store page
  2. Find each item you want to add
  3. Tap the Shopping cart icon
  4. At the bottom of the cart window, tap Add to Order in Progress
  5. Follow prompts for confirmation

How To Change Quantity Or Remove An Item

On The App

  1. Tap View account under your name at the top of the app dashboard or tap the three stacked horizontal lines in the upper left corner
  2. Tap Your orders
  3. Tap the current order
  4. Tap the item you want to edit
  5. Tap the plus or minus symbol to increase or decrease quantity

On The Website

  1. At the top right, click either Account or Hi, [Your Name]
  2. Click Your Orders
  3. Select the order you want to update
  4. In the item list, select the item you want to adjust the quantity on
  5. On this item, click the number and adjust as you like

Update item replacement choices

To access this, you will have to go to Instacart’s website, for it currently isn’t available in the app.

  1. At the top right of any page, click either Account or Hi, [Your Name]
  2. Click Your Orders
  3. Select the order you want to update
  4. Under the item you’d like to update, click Edit replacement option
  5. Choose your preferred replacement option

Approving order changes

How to see items your shopper has already located:

  1. Tap the current order card at the bottom of the screen OR
  2. Tap View account under your name at the top of the app dashboard or tap the three stacked horizontal lines in the upper left corner
  3. Tap Your orders
  4. Select your current order
  5. Tap See Shopped Items
  6. If you approve the change, tap Approve
  7. If you prefer another option, tap Other options…
  8. Don’t see the option you prefer? Just tap Chat at the top of the screen to talk to your shopper.
  9. When shopping is complete, you can tap See Shopped items again to view all the completed changes and items in your order.
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