What happens if you get a ticket in your Turo rental?

Renters are responsible for paying the cost of tickets that result from illegal driving or improper parking. If the ticket is related to the car, it’s self-renters will not be responsible for paying the cost of the ticket.


Example of tickets renters don’t have to pay:

  • Tinted windows
  • Fix-it tickets
  • Tickets for lapsed insurance

Renters are also responsible for all parking tickets and related fines received up to 24 hours after the trip ends. If improper parking results in the car being towed or impounded the renter will be responsible for all related costs.

If you should get a ticket, notify your host as soon as possible. Every transportation authority has a different billing cycle, so your host may not receive the ticket and send an invoice until several months after your trip ends. If a host should send you an invoice, Turo will notify you via email along with display a notification in your Turo activity feed. You will be given 48 hours to pay or dispute the invoice.


What happens if I get a moving violation?

Getting a ticket for speeding, reckless driving, running a stop, or a red light, can affect the host’s insurance or driving record. If that should happen, the host may contact Turo to transfer liability of the ticket to you. Turo helps hosts with ticket liability transfers for trips that took place in the US and the UK. If a host should contact Turo to transfer liability for a ticket, they will contact you. Turo will also provide the ticketing agency with the information they need to transfer the tickets. If the ticket requires notarization, Turo will provide some personal information to your host. The company will only give them information they need to have the ticket notarized and transferred. If Turo should do this, they will notify you.

Note: For no other circumstance, will Turo provide any of your personal information to your host.

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